It was with great excitement that we received the news that our M5M PhytoBlend™ powder application has been approved for the children at Lucky Point Crèche.
Author: Lucky Point SA (Lucky Point)
Creating the garden at the Youth Centre
The kids were very excited to help create "their" garden at the Youth Centre in Botrivier and Elizabeth was the perfect supervisor!
More interesting activities at Lucky Point Youth Centre
The activities at the Lucky Point Centre are getting more and more interesting for the children and youth and we can see some new faces every day.
Lucky Point Open Door Day
Our Lucky Point Open Door day for the Botrivier community was a great opportunity for family members to come and see where their children spend time after school.
First recycling day in 2019
Our first recycling day in 2019 was very busy with people storing all the recycling goods at their home for 3 weeks.
Lucky Point Crèche gets new room
A generous donation enabled us to convert the porch of the Lucky Point Crèche into an additional playroom – perfect for Botrivier's wet winter weather.
Annual Beach Day 2018
Our annual Beach day was attended by 120 kids and luckily we had lots of helpers who helped make this a great day for all – big and small.
Elizabeth and Claudia visit Switzerland
Elizabeth and Claudia visit Switzerland sponsored by one of our Friends who visited our project in Botrivier and were impressed by the tremendous work.
Charity Night 2016
Everyone at Lucky Point desired to thank our friends for their generosity, trust and support of our project since its inception.
Christmas Bash
With great excitement the line began to grow longer. More and more children chattered to one another waiting for the doors to open for our Christmas party.