Two containers arrived from Switzerland – both packed with goods donated by our friends. It is absolutely amazing to see how generous people are and the extra mile they go to contribute to our project.
Compassionate generosity
For example: two women living in Weggis, Switzerland, sat together and wrapped – with lots of compassion – nearly 200 Christmas presents. Each gift was labelled with the age and if it was for a girl or a boy. This is such a big help to us, as you can all imagine how many kids will be waiting for a present at our next Christmas party in December 2017.
Besides the gifts, there were also sport goods, shoes, toys, games and all sorts of household goods in the containers.
There were also lots of clothes, which again was a huge challenge to bring through customs in Cape Town because of a change in the import rules … once again!
Red tape
We finally managed to get the containers delivered to Botrivier after more than two months in the State Warehouse awaiting the approved paperwork from Pretoria, where it was welcomed with great joy and happiness.
These containers were made possible because of Patricia Thaddey and her team, who worked tirelessly but also had lots of fun together. Hohle Gasse AG, Immensee, also let us use their facilities for free. A big thank you to all of you!
These containers are a good thing for Lucky Point – not only in South Africa but also in Switzerland – as it teaches kids (and adults) about our philosophy of Recycling: don’t throw away, it will always be useful to someone somewhere in the world. So, when you have finished with it yourself, give it to someone who may need it or at least appreciate it.
With costs continually rising, we are constantly reassessing or reconsidering the value of shipping and delivering containers to Botrivier. Although, as long as it is of value to the children, we will definitely continue.
In the meantime we are incredibly grateful for the tremendous support you have all shown us.
Thank you!